Braces are required? Braces are needed by 1.2 million adult patients seeking orthodontic treatments. The figure is up 39% than 20 years ago. Why is braces so popular for people who are older?
It could start with the aesthetics of having straight teeth. They may have gone their entire life with teeth that are crooked and decide that they want a change, so they can feel good about their appearance.
Orthodontists are seeing a shift within their services in response to the growing number of adults who come in seeking braces to fix their unnatural smiles. It is possible to visit an orthodontist to get those straight teeth you’ve only dreaming of and discuss finances with your orthodontist.
Braces cost greater if you’re an older adult as opposed to a child. The reason for this is the fact that braces this late in life may require surgical intervention due to being a fully developed jaw and mouth. Adults may wear braces for between 3 and 4 years, while children usually have them for 2 years. Discuss all of these with your dentist when you schedule an appointment to have braces for adults.