When Bad Business Pays Off

According to an article in Friday’s New York Times, Vitaly Borker is back in prison. Infamous for a previous business venture, DecorMyEyes.com, Borker believes strongly in the tenet that “any press is good press,” which he followed to its logical conclusion, running the business as erratically and counterintuitively as possible to remain in the spotlight. Read… Continue reading When Bad Business Pays Off

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Why the Fiduciary Rule Matters

In the first 100 days of the Trump administration, one of the main directives given to the transition team was to eliminate two regulations for every new government regulation passed. In addition, the administration used a rarely-utilized loophole known as the Congressional Review Act to target every amendment and regulation passed in the closing months… Continue reading Why the Fiduciary Rule Matters

Categorized as Finance

What Is the Means Test?

If you have been considering filing for bankruptcy, you’ve probably heard about the “means test,” a requirement for filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in US courts. Bankruptcy, by definition, depends on not having enough money to pay off one’s debts, let alone money to save or spend. Therefore it is a function of total net income,… Continue reading What Is the Means Test?

Categorized as Finance

Taxes and the Gig Economy

Like it or not, the gig economy is here to stay, especially for younger workers and job searchers. While, according to a study from Intuit, 34 percent of workers under 30 are working temporary and/or independent contractor jobs at any given time, and statistics from the BLS show about another 10 percent are permanently freelancers… Continue reading Taxes and the Gig Economy

Categorized as Finance

Is Legal Help Necessary To File A Personal Bankruptcy Claim?

Filing for a personal bankruptcy can be a difficult choice, but millions of people face this decision every year. A significant number of Americans live on the brink, financially, and any emergency can push them over the edge. Declaring bankruptcy means accepting that an individual, couple or business cannot meet its financial obligations and has… Continue reading Is Legal Help Necessary To File A Personal Bankruptcy Claim?

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