How Much Money Can You Make From a Rooftop Cell Site Lease? – Get Rich City

A cell-phone lease on the roof can be a fantastic way to generate steady income. Perhaps you’re wondering how much you could make when you think about this option. That’s what you need to anticipate when you think about earnings.

The particulars of a roof lease agreement for cell sites may differ depending on the cell provider involved. There are deals that appear to be good while others might have unfavorable terms. It is essential to engage a reputable lawyer to help ensure the best decision when signing the contract.

It is feasible to earn $3,500 per month from an cellular tower, it doesn’t mean you will be able to work hard. Certain leases permit you to make more money in comparison to others. But regardless what you will end getting, you must keep your eyes on the fact that you’ll be surrendering some of your property rights. If you breach the terms of your lease it could result in getting sued and losing more funds than you’re earning.

Rooftop cell site leases can provide lucrative options But only if sign a contract that works according to your specifications. Make sure you do your research and read the fine print.
