Why Divorce Mediation Might Work for You – Family Reading

LaCourse Law looks at how mediation of your divorce could work better for you as opposed to trial.

The duration of trials can be long and are expensive. Mediation may reduce the amount of time required to finalize a divorce. Mediation can also be less costly than going through a trial. Some couples have found mediation to be easier to handle, since they have a say in any decision made. In a divorce court, a judge makes the decision that is final.

You don’t even have to stay in the same room as your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. In mediation, the mediator can move from one room in the room. It is an attorney that does not have any affiliation with the ex or you. The mediator can only assist you decide if it is possible to reach an agreement between you and your ex.

If you are in court and you are in court, the records will be kept of what is said, unless the judge requests that statements be deleted from the document. Mediation is a process where everything discussed is kept private. Mediators are legally forbidden to divulge anything you’ve spoken about to your ex. ondyjtl4rt.